Test af skrubbersystem til reduktion af SOx, PM, CO2 og NOx udledningen fra en ro-ro færge


This project began in 2008 with land based tests where a scrubber was installed after a smaller 1000 kW 4-stroke MAN engine in Holeby - DK.

These tests showed SO2 removal efficiencies at >98 % and particle removal efficiencies up to 80 % from the exhaust gas. Based on these tests and promising results, a scrubber for Ficaria Seaways was designed early 2008 and installed during 2009. The project is a co-operation between Alfa Laval Aalborg (Aalborg Industries until May 13, 2011), MAN Diesel & Turbo, and Alfa Laval and has been co-financed by the Danish Environmental Agency under a program for testing and promoting new environmental technologies.

Udfører/hovedansøger ALFA LAVAL AALBORG A/S
Øvrige samarbejdspartnere DFDS A/S
MAN Energy Solutions, filial af MAN Energy Solutions SE, TYSKLAND
Projektets samlede budget DKK 7.549.000,00
Bevillingsstørrelse tildelt DKK 1.887.000,00